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Documentation > Extending > Container Conditions

Container Conditions

Carbon Fields allows you to define your own container conditions as well. Here’s how to define and use a "Foobar_Condition" class for theme options containers:

class Foobar_Condition extends Condition {

     * Check if the condition is fulfilled
     * @param  array $environment
     * @return bool
    public function is_fulfilled( $environment ) {
        return $this->compare(
            'foobar', // Only return true when the passed value is 'foobar'
functions.php or another suitable place
\Carbon_Fields\Carbon_Fields::extend( Foobar_Condition::class, function( $container ) {
    // create an instance of our new class
    $condition = new Foobar_Condition();
    $condition->set_comparers( \Carbon_Fields\Carbon_Fields::resolve( 'generic', 'container_condition_comparer_collections' ) );
    return $condition;
} );

add_filter( 'carbon_fields_theme_options_container_static_condition_types', function( $condition_types, $container_type, $container ) {
    // append our new condition type to allowed theme options conditions
    return array_merge(
        array( 'foobar' )
}, 10, 3 );
Container definitions
Container::make( 'theme_options', __( 'Foobar Container', 'crb' ) )
    ->where( 'foobar', '=', 'foobar' ); // this will always return true
    // ->where( 'foobar', '=', 'lorem' ); // this will always return false

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