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Documentation > Containers > Tabs


The tabs allow you to group multiple fields under different tab panels using the Container method add_tab().

Tabs can be used on every container type. Example:

use Carbon_Fields\Container;
use Carbon_Fields\Field;

Container::make('post_meta', __('User Settings'))
    ->show_on_post_type( 'page' )
    ->add_tab(__('Profile'), array(
        Field::make('text', '_crb_first_name', 'First Name'),
        Field::make('text', '_crb_last_name', 'Last Name'),
        Field::make('text', '_crb_position', 'Position'),
    ->add_tab(__('Notification'), array(
        Field::make('text', '_crb_email', 'Notification Email'),
        Field::make('text', '_crb_phone', 'Phone Number'),

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