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Documentation > Complex Field > Multiple Groups

Multiple groups

To add multiple groups of fields you use add_fields($name, $fields), where:


Unique name of the group.


Numeric array of fields.

Field::make('complex', 'crb_job')
    ->add_fields('driver', array(
        Field::make('text', 'name'),
        Field::make('text', 'drivers_license_id'),
    ->add_fields('teacher', array(
        Field::make('image', 'name'),
        Field::make('image', 'years_of_experience'),

Each call to add_fields($name, $fields) creates a new group and adds it to the complex field.

You can also give each group a label different from their name using add_fields($name, $label, $fields).

All data stored in a complex field is returned as a two-dimensional array with the following format:

array (
    0 => array (
        '_type' => '_photograph',
        'caption' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
        'image' => 'http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Jellyfish.jpg',
    1 => array (
        '_type' => '_movie',
        'length' => '1:56',
        'title' => 'Dolor sit amet',
        'video' => 'http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/video_new.mp4',
    2 => array (
        '_type' => '_photograph',
        'caption' => 'Consectetur adipiscing elit',
        'image' => 'http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Koala.jpg',

Each item represents the values stored by a single group. The name of the group is stored in element with key _type. When the complex field contains one group only, it’s type will be an empty string – "".

Complex field values are retrieved using either carbon_get_post_meta() or carbon_get_theme_option() (or a different retrieval function, depending on the container it is added to) and passing the string "complex" as $type argument.

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