The map field provides a Google-powered map with an address search field.
The location data is saved in multiple meta entries:
Meta Key | Description | Value Type | Value |
$field_name |
Latitude & Longitude | (string) |
40.74866,-73.97982 |
$field_name . '-lat' |
Latitude | (float) |
40.74866 |
$field_name . '-lng' |
Longitude | (float) |
-73.97982 |
$field_name . '-address' |
Address | (string) |
45 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016 |
$field_name . '-zoom' |
Zoom level | (int) |
8 |
Google Maps API Key setup
As of June 22, 2016, Google requires users to generate an API key in order to use the Maps API:
You can get your API key here:
Once you’re ready with the process of generating a key, you’ll need to provide the key to Carbon Fields through a filter:
add_action( 'carbon_map_api_key', 'crb_get_gmaps_api_key' );
function crb_get_gmaps_api_key( $current_key ) {
return 'your key goes here';
Setup methods
set_position($lat, $lng, $zoom)
Set the default position on the map specified by $lat
and $lng
and the default zoom level to $zoom
(zoom 0
corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out).
Field::make("map", "crb_company_location", "Location")
->help_text('drag and drop the pin on the map to select location')
To get all the location data as an array, you can use the map
type in the retrieval functions. Example:
/* Get the location data as an array */
carbon_get_post_meta($id, $name, 'map'); // array('lat' => 40.74866, 'lng' => -73.97982, 'address' => '45 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016', 'zoom' => 8)
/* Get the location latitude and longitude */
carbon_get_post_meta($id, $name); // '40.74866,-73.97982'