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Documentation > Fields > Time


Renders a time picker field.

Field::make('time', 'opens_at', 'Opening time')

Setup Methods

set_time_format (string)

Sets the time format in which to display and save the time values.

Here is a list of allowed Format Characters:

Character Definition Examples
t Lowercase a, p
T Lowercase A, P
tt Lowercase am, pm
TT Uppercase AM, PM
h Hour, 12-hour, without leading zeros 1-12
hh Hour, 12-hour, with leading zeros 01-12
H Hour, 24-hour, without leading zeros 0-23
HH Hour, 24-hour, with leading zeros 00-23
m Minutes, without leading zeros 0-59
mm Minutes, with leading zeros 00-59
s Seconds, without leading zeros 0-59
ss Seconds, with leading zeros 00-59
Field::make('time', 'time', 'Time')
    ->set_time_format('hh:mm:ss tt')

set_interval_step (array)

Sets the interval step for hours, minutes and seconds.

Field::make('time', 'time', 'Time')
        'hour'   => '2',
        'minute' => '10',
        'second' => '10',

set_restraints (array)

Sets restraints for Hours, Minutes, Seconds.

Type Definition Default
hourMin The minimum hour allowed for all dates 0
hourMax The maximum hour allowed for all dates 23
minuteMin The minimum minute allowed for all dates 0
minuteMax The maximum minute allowed for all dates 59
secondMin The minimum second allowed for all dates 0
secondMax The maximum second allowed for all dates 59
millisecMin The minimum millisecond allowed for all dates 0
millisecMax The maximum millisecond allowed for all dates 999
microsecMin The minimum microsecond allowed for all dates 0
microsecMax The maximum microsecond allowed for all dates 999
Field::make('time', 'time', 'Time')
        'hourMin' => '9',
        'hourMax' => '18',

set_timepicker_options (array)

With this method you can set other time picker options.

Field::make('time', 'time', 'Time')
        'currentText' => 'Current time',

You can find a full list of all available options here:

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